Neue Medien Friederike Anders, D
1958 geboren in Hamburg, 1979-80 Studium an der HfBK Hamburg, Malerei • 1980-81 San Francisco Art Institute, Video und Performance • 1983- 88 Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin • seit 1985 Videocutterin • 1987 Interaktives Videospiel "MUTABOR 3" (Teil des VideoLabyrinth) • 1990 Regie Kleines Fernsehspiel (Die Patriarchin) • seit 1992 Kuenstlerische Mitarbeiterin am Medienzentrum der HdK Berlin • Veroeffentlichungen: 1993 "Die Chimaere im Spiegel Ihrer Bewunderer" in "Feministische Streifzuege durchs Punkte-Universum-Medienkunst von Frauen", Hrsg.: Heidi Hutschenreuter, edition Filmwerkstatt

Videografie: 1981 "Skin Life Beauty", mit Katarina Peters • 1982-86 "Learning to like Winning" • 1984 "Zeichenleere (mode two)" • 1985 "Sterntaler" • 1985 "Mutabor" • 1987 "Mutabor 3, Ablaufsimulation A" • 1987-89 "Mutabor 3, Interaktives Videospiel, Teil des VideoLabyrinth" • 1988 "Im Garten der Erinnerung - die Patriarchin" • 1990 "Die Patriarchin", Kleines Fernsehspiel, ZDF • 1994 "Die Farbe Braun", Teil der Triologie "Pfui - Unzucht und Ordnung in Deutschland" • 1996 "Das Gedaechtnis der Frau in Weiss", Trailershow

Festival- und Ausstellungsbeteiligungen (Auswahl): 1985, 87 European Media Art Festival • Edge 88, Air Gallery, London und Museum Ludwig 89, NBK 1989 (VideoLabyrinth), Femmes Cathodiques '89 (1. Preis fuer "Im Garten der Erinnerung") • 1989 New American Makers, San Francisco • L.A.C.E. Los Angeles • 1990 Izmir Video Festival • Festival del Popoli • Silence, elles tournent, Montreal 1989, 93 • Other Cinema, San Francisco • 1991 Videobegleitprogramm fuer "30 Jahre Kunst aus Berlin", Riga, St. Petersburg • 1989, 90, 94 WorldWide Video Festival den Haag • 1991, 94 Videonale Bonn • 1994 Internationale Leipziger DokFilm Woche/Deutsche Reihe • 1986, 87, 94 Internationales Forum des jungen Films, Videofest Berlin • 1989, 95 (1. Preis fuer "Pfui- Unzucht und Ordnung in Deutschland") • 1996 Videofest Berlin

"Lost Memories of the woman in White"
interactive image- and text-database in the WWW to be set up as an installation consisting of a videotrailershow in a frontroom and a seclusive user-terminal in the back.
The topic is a multifaceted chimaera of everchanging identity with one or two traits that will always remain the same: she will always wear white, and she is very likely to be victimized. Since she is also amnesic, the objective of the adventure is to reassemble her fragmented identity from various traces to be found both in her hotelroom and in the connected database; thereby unraveling the threads of a horrible crime she must have witnessed.
But the puzzle-pieces can fit in more than one place, and to defeat the amnesic womans panic, it becomes necessary to follow her schizophrenic reasoning. Only then a secret pattern becomes gradually visible behind such seemingly unrelated facts and dates as the knife-attack on German candidate for chancellor, Oskar Lafontaine in 1990, the unresolved death of German Christian Democrat Uwe Barschel in a Geneva hotelroom in 1987, the murder of empress Sissi of Austria in that same hotel some hundred years ago, and the huge terrifiying complex of the secret subterranean factories, reaching from the Stasi's hotel Neptun in Rostock all the way to the meat- and hormone-factories owned by a former Strauί-intimus in Bavaria ...
It is only through the Lost Memories of the Woman in White that any conclusions can be drawn in this paranoid maze of carefully researched facts and schizophrenic fictions ... The Lost Memories ... on WWW can be accessed both in a photo-novel-style clickable multiple-choice-image-environment, circling around the woman waking up in a hotelroom; and in a database of newspaper- and movie-clipping on woman in white and their deeds and insights in general.

"Das Gedaechtnis der Frau in Weiss" ist eine Internet-Seite mit klickbarem Fotoroman und angeschlossener Datenbank.

Das Gedaechtnis der Frau in Weiss

Hauptmenue | Main Menu | Beitraege | Works | Programm | Program | Orte | Locations | Cafe | Cafe
Thema | Subject Matter | Organisation | Organisation | Sponsoren | Sponsors | Misa | Misa