Paul Harrison: 1966 geboren 1987-90 Bath College of Higher Education, B.A. (Hons) Fine Art First Class
John Wood: 1969 geboren Ausbildung: 1988-91 Bath College of Higher Education, B.A. (Hons) Fine Art First Class Stipendien, Preise und Auftraege: 1996 "Expanding Pictures", BBC 2 & Arts Council Broadcast Commision 1995 West Midlands Arts Bursary Award (Film and Video) 1994 South West Arts Film and Video Production Award Ausstellungen: 1996 "Cell 2", Babican Centre, London "Instant", a Film and Video Umbrella touring Exhibition, Camden Arts Centre, London Tramway, Glasgow Tullie House Gallery, Carlisie 1995 "Composite", Arnolfini, Bristol Ostranenie '95, Dessau, Germany "Sixth Mostyn Open", Oriel mostyn, Lianduno 1994 "ιast", Norwich Gallery "The Reading Room", Camden Arts Centre, London
Praesentationen (Auswahl): 1996 "Tokyo Video Festival", Tokyo, Japan (Preistraeger) "Flights of Francy", Anthology Film Archive, New York "Videofest 96", Berlin "Pandaemonium", I.C.A., London 1995 "29th New York Expo", New York "Forumbhzvideo", Belo Horizonte, Brazil "6th Int. Video Festival", Canary Islands "European Media Art Festival", Osnabrueck, Germany "British Short Film Festival", London "Video Creation Featival", Alicante, Spain "Fresh", As a Film and Video Umbrella touring Progamme, "Video Positive", Liverpool; Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, ICA, London; Tramway, Glasgow 1994 "Copenhagen Film and Video Festival", Copenhagen "Impakt Film and Videofestival", Utrecht, Holland 1993 "World One Minute T.V.", Brazil "MediaWave", Gyor, Hungary 1992 "8th Edinburgh Fringe Film and Video Fest", Edinburgh, London
John Wood and Paul Harrison's short performance Cameos combines precise physical exertions with droll and infectious humour. A man trapped in a TV image struggles to keep his head above water, but has no where to go. The video plays mischievous games with the boxed off space of the screen.
Die kurze Performance Kamee von John Wood und Paul Harrison verbindet praezise physikalische Anwendungen mit spassigem und ansteckendem Humor. Ein in einem Fernsehbild gefangener Mann kaempft damit, seinen Kopf ueber Wasser zu halten, er kann jedoch nirgendwo hin. Das Video ist ein freches Spiel mit dem unterteilten Raum des Bildschirms.
(Harry Houdini)