PerformanceMyriam Laplante, I
1954 geboren in Chittagong, Bangladesh • 1971-74, 1975-77 Studium: Visual Arts and Linguistics, University of Ottawa
Einzelausstellungen: 1994 Studio Aterto, Roma • Galerie Dare-Dare, Montreal • 1993 Mark Moore Gallery, Los Angeles • Gallerie Spoviere, Roma • Jack Shainman Gallery, New York • 1990 Centro Culturale Canadese, Roma • 1988 Oboro, Montreal • 1985 Jack Shainman Gallery, Washington, D.C. • Bayer Fine Arts, Provincetown, Mass. • 1984 Samson Fine Arts, Provincetown, Mass. • 1981 Vehicule Art, Montreal • 1977 S.A.W. Gallery, Ottawa (Ont.)
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl): 1996 "Still Waters", Sala 1. Rom - "Feminine, Masculine & Co.", Il Manifesto, Rom • 1995 "Estensioni del Corpo", Galleria Civica, Padova • "Artisti per Opening", American Accademy, Rom • 1994 "Parzialmente Stremati", Villaggio Globale, Rom • "Solstizio d'Autunno", Castello di Rivara, Rivara (Torino) • "Cartografie e Identitaet", Museo Pigorini, Roma • "Summer Show", Jack Shainman Gallery, New York • 1993 "Segnali d'Allarme", Studio Aperto, Roma • "Arte Oggi", Palazzo della Civiltaet e del Lavoro, EUR, Roma • "Giochi nell'acqua", Ponte dell'Industria, Roma • "Beau Dommage", Jack Shainman Gallery, New York • "Abstrategies - Abstract painting in the 90's", Dunedin Fine Arts Center, Dunedin, Fla. • "Avvistamenti", Scholas dei Mureri di San Samuele, Venezia • "Territoria", Sala 1, Roma • 1992 "Non erea Cipango", Citadella Museale, Cagliari • "Summer Show", Jack Shainman Gallery, New York • "Dislocazioni2, Galleria d'arte Contemporanea, Termoli • 1991 "Presenze", Rocca Paolina, Perugia • "Artae", a cura di A. B. Oliva, Ferrara, Roma e Milano • 1989 "L'artista che non esiste", Palazzo Valentini, Roma • "Vedute Romane", Charles H. Scott Gallery, Vancouver • 1988 "Grand Hotel" Studio E, Roma • 1986 "Invitational Show", Jack Shainman Gallery, Washington, D.C. • 1985 "Works on paper", Bayer Fine Arts, Provincetown, Mass. • "New Acquisitions", Provincetown Museum, Provincetown, Mass. • 1984 "Taking Off", Plexus, New York - El Pueblo Gallery, New York • "Projet Hudson", Hudson, Que. • "Trilemma", Provincetown, Mass • "Montreal Tout-Terrain", Montreal • "Projet Larouche", Larouche, Que Gallerie Samuel Lallouz, Montreal • 1983 "Hypothetiques Confluences", Gallery Jolliet, Montreal • 1979 "Vivre en Ville" Forum des Arts, Montreal • "Bienale II du Quebec", Centre Saidye Bronfman, Montreal • Performances: 1996 "The Crying Ghost", Sala 1, Rom • 1995 "Sad Walz", ArteFiere, Bologna • "Sad Walz", Bibli, Rom • 1994 "Innocent (I didn't do anything)", Frascati • "The girl of milk and blood", Galerie Dare-Dare, Montreal • 1993 "The girl of milk and blood", Caffe Latino, Rom • "Mutant Mermaid", Ponte dell'Industria, Roma • 1992 "The Bearded Lady", Caffe Picasso, Roma.

During this performance, I lay on the banks of a river dressed as a mutant mermaid, brought ashore by the tide of "polluted" dreams: fake fur body, latex tail, red hair with a shell crown and three breasts. Next to me there are small fur fish that meow, the fruit of genetic mutations like me. There is always something monstruous about trying to project an image of ourselves. To the eye of the beholder, when fantasy and reality mingle, mutations occur, schizophrenia sets in and dreams are broken.

Waehrend dieser Performance liege ich als mutierte Meerjungfrau verkleidet an einem Flussufer, gestrandet durch die Stroemung von "schmutzigen" Traeumen: im falschen Pelz, mit Latexschwanz, roten Haaren, einer Muschelkrone und drei Bruesten. Neben mir befinden sich kleine miauende Pelzfische, die wie ich Ergebniss von Genmutationen sind.

Der Versuch, ein Bildnis von uns selbst zu projizieren, hat immer etwas monstroeses. Wenn sich in den Augen der Betrachter Fantasie und Realitaet vermischen, ereignen sich Mutationen, stellt sich Schizophrenie ein und Traeume zerbrechen.
The Mutant Mermaid
I, 1993

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